2024 - 2025 Call for Nominations

The NPI Nominating Committee is seeking nominations for the 2024 - 2025 Board of Directors. In accordance with the NPI Constitution and Bylaws, the governing body of NPI consists of six (6) Officers and six (6) Directors. The six Officers are the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Immediate Past President, and AEP Officer. Each Officer serves for a one-year term. Each Director serves a two-year term. The AEP Officer is an appointed position.

List of Current Board Members

The Nominating Committee is accepting nominations for the following positions:  

  • (1) Secretary 
  • (2) Directors 

The Board of Directors oversees the management of the property, affairs, activities, and business of NPI. It establishes policies within the limits specified in the NPI Constitution and Bylaws. Serving on the Board is a worthwhile and rewarding experience for members professionally and is vital to the governance of NPI. All members of the Board are expected to attend monthly virtual Board Meetings, an in-person Board Meeting in the Spring, and the NPI Annual Conference.   

Candidates for any Officer or Director Position must be a member in good standing for at least one year immediately preceding the election. Candidates for the office of Secretary must have served at least one year on the Board of NPI, another professional procurement association, or demonstrate like leadership experience. 

Please submit a nomination for any individual meeting the requirements and who is energetic, enthusiastic, committed, and willing to serve in a Board of Director capacity by filling out the nomination form, self-nominations are welcome.

Nominations are closed.

Nominees who meet the eligibility requirements will be emailed a questionnaire to verify willingness to accept the nomination. The Nominating Committee will consider all nominees that accept the nomination and return the questionnaire. A slate of candidates will be presented for a formal vote conducted in an online format.  The Nominating Committee anticipates announcing the election results on or before August 15, 2024. Newly elected Officers and Directors will be installed at the Annual Conference in Denver, CO in October 2024. 


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