Presidential Award of Merit

The NPI Presidential Award of Merit honors member(s) of NPI whom the current President determines went above and beyond the call of duty in their work/dedication to NPI during their presidential year.

All of these individuals truly went above/beyond the call of duty for the National Procurement Institute and are to be commended by all members.


At the Annual Conference in San Diego, California, President Diane Seaton presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Brian Garrity
  • Chris Robinson
  • Blake Skiles
  • Christine Grommons


At the Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, President Christine Grommons presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Felicia Strong-Whitaker
  • Christina Pryor
  • Nathan Daou


At the Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, President Kim Gould presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Christine Grommons
  • Diane Seaton
  • Blake Skiles
  • Brian Garrity
  • Craig Rowley
  • Chris Robinson
  • Christina Pryor


At the Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, President Mike Derr presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Christine Grommons
  • Carol Fletcher


At the Annual Conference in Fort Worth, Texas, President Christina Pryor presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Christine Grommons
  • Justin Hansen 
  • Edward McMullen 
  • Chris Robinson
  • Craig Rowley
  • Blake Skiles


At the Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, President Christina Pryor presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Carol Fletcher
  • Brian Garrity
  • Christine Grommons
  • Edward McMullen 
  • Craig Rowley


At the Annual Conference in Colorado Springs, Colorado, President Dawn Berry presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Brian Garrity
  • Christina Pryor
  • Craig Rowley
  • January Cook
  • Michael Derr


At the Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, President January Cook presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Dawn Berry
  • Phillip Ellison
  • Brian Garrity
  • Edward McMullen
  • Penny Marchell
  • Craig Rowley


At the Annual Conference in Frisco, Texas, President January Cook presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Dawn Berry
  • Carol Fletcher
  • Brian Garrity
  • Christine Green
  • Edward McMullen
  • Zulay Millan
  • Craig Rowley
  • Jim Tillman
  • Annet Warzwick
  • Debbie Wellnitz
  • Jay Yoho


At the Annual Conference in St. Charles, Missouri, President Edward McMullen presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • January Cook
  • Phillip Ellison
  • Christine Green
  • Penny Marchell
  • Craig Rowley
  • Monica Schuerr
  • Jay Yoho


At the Annual Conference in Houston, Texas, President Hal Good presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Michelle Brand
  • January Cook
  • Brian Garrity
  • Christine Green
  • Melissa Lee
  • Edward McMullen
  • Craig Rowley


At the Annual Conference in Broomfield, Colorado, President Melissa Lee presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • January Cook 
  • Michele Brand 
  • Edward McMullen 
  • Christine Green


At the Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, President Christine Green presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Hal Good 
  • Carol Fletcher 
  • Melissa Lee


At the Annual Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona, President Mark Neihart presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Kathleen Bender
  • Christina Schipanski 
  • Brenda Stopani 


At the Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, President David Seward presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Penny Marchell 
  • Beth Fleming 
  • Michele Brand 
  • Christine Green 


At the Annual Conference in Galveston, Texas, President Pamela Kirkland presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Penny Marchell
  • Ron Williamson


At the Annual Conference in Tucson, Arizona, President Diane Palmer presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Christine Green 
  • City of Tucson Procurement Department


At the Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida, President Beth Fleming presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Kay Foster
  • Rob Cox
  • Roger Dempsey


At the Annual Conference in Los Angeles, California, President John Balentine presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Dave Seward
  • Linda McKeand
  • Beth Fleming
  • Wayne Casper 
  • Richard Schlegel


At the Annual Conference in Austin, Texas, President Mike Ryan presented Presidential Merit awards to:

  • Cheryl Turney
  • Charlene Collins 
  • Special “Lifetime Dedication” award to Rene' Bates of Rene' Bates Auctioneers.

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